À la fin de notre
périple d'un mois à peu près, voici mon post-mortem, incomplet, mais qui résume
un peu notre vécu:
Deux mots qui vont
très bien ensemble. Je devrais cependant en ajouter 2 autres... au pluriel...
ABOIEMENTS INCESSANTS . Ca y est, j'ai tout
dit, et vous avez tout compris. Notez que ces mêmes
chiens sont très tranquilles dans le jour. Pas agressifs pour une miette.
Normal, ils dorment pour récupérer.
Dogs and night... two words who go very well together. I should however add 2 others ... in plural ... barking and nonstop. With that, I said everything. Note that these same dogs are very quiet in the day. Not aggressive for one crumb. Normal, they sleep for recover.
- La bouffe: on ne peut pas dire qu'on a bien mangé au Chili. D'abord les restos sont chers, et les vendeurs itinérants sont rares, ou ne vendent à peu près que la même chose:
- Empanadas, genre de pizza pochette faite d'une pâte faite de farine blanche, cuite au four ou frite dans l'huile remplie soit: d'une tranche de jambon avec ou sans tranche de fromage blanc, soit: d'un mélange de viande coupée en menus morceaux en sauce brune. Honnêtement, un, ca va. Plus, c'est trop ! (Avec une exception pour deux petits empanadas frits que je m'étais acheté dans un petit marché... délicieux!)
Paella marinara (Luc a aimé, pas moi - Luc loved it, not me) |
- Aussi, on voyait chez plusieurs teneurs de stands sur roulettes des "mote con huesillo"(voir la photo): Wikipedia : boisson rafraîchissante, sans alcool, chilienne, à base de blé cuit (mote de trigo) et de pêche séchée (el huesillo). On n'a pas vraiment aimé. Pas détesté mais pas aimé non plus. Vive le Coca-Cola
Mote con huesillo |
ne nous a vraiment plu comme bouffe au Chili.
Heureusement, les chiliens se rattrapent dans notre cœur (lire estomac)
avec leurs pizzas, toutes aussi bonnes les unes que les autres. Et je ne parle
pas du vin qui est moins cher que l'eau (un litre de vin de table pour 2$, ça
réconcilie avec tout le reste)
At the end of our journey in Chile, here is my post-mortem, incomplete, but who summarizes a little our experience:
- The food: we cannot say we has well eaten. First the restaurants are expensive, and the sellers on wheels are rare, or sell about always the same thing:
- empanadas, type of pizza-pocket in a paste made of flour, cooked in oven or fried, filled either with: a slice of ham with and/or without a slice of cheese, either: an mixture of meat cut in small pieces in sauce. Honestly, one, that goes. More, it is too much (with one exception for two small empanadas fried that I bought in one small market ... delightful!)
- Also, we saw several stands of "mote con huesillo" (picture). Wikipedia: 'refreshing drink, without alcohol, based of wheat cooked and dried peach'. We did not really liked. Not hated but not liked either. Hourra the coca-cola.
There is about nothing we really liked as food at Chile. Fortunately, the chilean catched our heart (read stomach) with their pizzas, all good the one that the others. And I don't talk about the wine who is cheaper that the water (one litre of wine of table for 2 $, that reconciles with all the rest)
- Coût de la vie
- 1 empanada 2$ ou 3$ selon la garniture intérieure. L'équivalent de notre sandwich
- Essence 1.50$/litre, donc un peu plus cher.
- 5$ un petit pot de beurre d'arachides, donc beaucoup plus dispendieux.
- Un repas tout à fait ordinaire : un service + café + coke : 30$ . Pourraient se comparer à nos restaurants du Québec.
- 6,50$ un petit steak d'entre côte (sans os) chez le boucher. Semblable que dans nos épiceries.
- 9$ / 2 passages d'autobus pour faire 2 heures de route, ça c'est pas cher
- Une chambre 2 étoiles: 60$ (à Santiago, la salle de bains n'était pas dans la chambre. On devait la partager). À Valdivia, 20$ (une aubaine, mais pour une étoile)
Pichanga, mélange de jambon, fromage, olives, avocat... et quoi d'autre ! Tres bon A Pichanga, blend of ham, cheese, olives... what else ! Very Good |
Cost of the life
- 1 empanada 2 $ or 3 $ according to the filling. The equivalent of our sandwich
- Gasoline 1.50 $ / litre, therefore a little most expensive then Quebec.
- 5 $ one jar of butter of peanuts, much more expensive.
- One simple meal : one service + coffee + coke: 30 $. About what you expect in our restaurants of Quebec.
- 6,50 $ for one small steak (without bone) at the butcher.
- 9 $ / 2 passages of bus for 2 hours of road, that is not expensive !
- One room 2 stars: 60 $ (in Santiago, the bathroom was out of the room. In Valdivia, 20 $ (it was a 1 star)
- Chiens et Nuit
Ne vous méprenez, le chien adorait être brossé. Make no mistake, the dog loved being brushed |
Dogs and night... two words who go very well together. I should however add 2 others ... in plural ... barking and nonstop. With that, I said everything. Note that these same dogs are very quiet in the day. Not aggressive for one crumb. Normal, they sleep for recover.
- Température
À Villarica, il a
fait froid. Quand on doit chauffer le poêle à bois le jour et la nuit, c'est
parce qu'il fait frette, ou qu'on est frileux... Ou leurs deux. Heureusement,
les jours étaient généralement plus doux, pour ne pas dire plus chauds. Mais
fallait rester sous le soleil (cuisant). Notez que les maisons ne sont pas
isolées comme les nôtres. Et certaines prennent passablement l'air. Quelque
chose d'impossible au Québec ! Et les chambres d'hôtel qu'on a pris avaient un
système de chauffage d'appoint. Fiou !
température au bord de la mer de Valparaiso était tres agréable de jour. Chaud mais pas
caniculaire. Mais il y a aussi souvent du brouillard qui ne lève que tard, soit
après dîner. C'est alors plus moche et gris, mais c'est pas grave quand on est
en vacances
Temperature to Villarica was cold. When you must heat the woodstove almost day and night, that is because it is cold or we are overcautious ... or their two. Fortunately, the days were generally warmer. But had to stay under the sun. Note the houses are not isolated as ours. And some take quite the air. Something impossible at Quebec! And the rooms in hotel had heating system. Fiou! The weather at edge of the sea was very nice by day. Hot but not too hot. But we also had very often fog, which stays until after dinner. The city appears then a bit ugly and gray. It is nothing when you are in holidays.
Temperature to Villarica was cold. When you must heat the woodstove almost day and night, that is because it is cold or we are overcautious ... or their two. Fortunately, the days were generally warmer. But had to stay under the sun. Note the houses are not isolated as ours. And some take quite the air. Something impossible at Quebec! And the rooms in hotel had heating system. Fiou! The weather at edge of the sea was very nice by day. Hot but not too hot. But we also had very often fog, which stays until after dinner. The city appears then a bit ugly and gray. It is nothing when you are in holidays.
En un mot, super
bien organisés ! Et confortables. Le bus "salon cama" de Chiloe à
Santiago a pris 18 heures, mais on était dans des fauteuils similaires à des
lazy-boys. La nuit s'est passé plus agréablement.
Bus and system road... super well organized! and comfortable. The bus "salon cama" from Chiloe to Santiago took 18 hours, but we were in of seats similar to a lazy-boys. The night pasts more pleasantly.
Bus and system road... super well organized! and comfortable. The bus "salon cama" from Chiloe to Santiago took 18 hours, but we were in of seats similar to a lazy-boys. The night pasts more pleasantly.
- Plages
Le peu
qu'on a vu ne nous a pas impressionné. Beaucoup de plages (de lacs) sont
composées de sable volcanique, donc noir. Les plages de sable blanc de Viña del
mar cependant (en bordure de mer),
étaient très inspirantes.
longues plages étaient belles et agréables, mais ça n'a rien à voir avec ce que
vous êtes habitués. On n'y rencontre pas nécessairement les infrastructures des
grands hôtels (genre il n'y a aucune chaises transats à nulle part). Traînez
votre matelas de plage !
Beaches the little we saw did not impressed us. Much beaches (of lakes) are composed of sand volcanic, therefore black. Beaches of white sand in Viña del mar however (in border of sea), were very inspiring. The long beaches were beautiful and pleasant, but has nothing to see with what you are accustomed. You will never see any infrastructure of great hotels of the tropics (no chairs transats nowhere). Make sure you have your own mattress for the beach!
Beaches the little we saw did not impressed us. Much beaches (of lakes) are composed of sand volcanic, therefore black. Beaches of white sand in Viña del mar however (in border of sea), were very inspiring. The long beaches were beautiful and pleasant, but has nothing to see with what you are accustomed. You will never see any infrastructure of great hotels of the tropics (no chairs transats nowhere). Make sure you have your own mattress for the beach!
- Les gens
Super gentils (même
si Luc dit ne partage pas mon opinion)
People are super nice (even if Luc don't share my opinion). He said he met some not nice people. I did too, but not so much
People are super nice (even if Luc don't share my opinion). He said he met some not nice people. I did too, but not so much
- Sécurité
Rien à redire, mais
comme à notre habitude, on rentre tôt dans nos appartements et on respecte les
consignes des résidents de l'endroit (ne pas aller par là-bas, éviter tel
quartier, etc)
Security, nothing to say, but as to our habit, we always returns early in our apartments and we respects the instructions of residents in the place (don't go over there - avoid such district, etc)
Security, nothing to say, but as to our habit, we always returns early in our apartments and we respects the instructions of residents in the place (don't go over there - avoid such district, etc)
Pucon et le volcan Villarica |
- Sommets enneigés
Tellement gracieux
et photogéniques. Joe de Villarica disait qu'un sommet de volcan qui perd sa
neige se compare à une vieille femme nue. Ça existe, mais on ne veut pas voir
ça. Ça m'a fait sourire.
Summits snowy so graceful and photogenics. Joe of Villarica said that a summit of volcano who loses its snow is compared to a old lady naked. That exists, but you don't want not see it. I smiled.
Summits snowy so graceful and photogenics. Joe of Villarica said that a summit of volcano who loses its snow is compared to a old lady naked. That exists, but you don't want not see it. I smiled.
- Propreté
Ici il n'existe pas
ou peu, de systèmes de récupération et recyclage, du moins là où on est allés.
Par contre, partout c'est propre. Les gens ont à cœur de garder leurs lieux
propres et exempts de détritus. Et des équipes de travailleurs font aussi du beau
travail. Bravo, c'est réussi.
Recycling here don't exist or little, nor systems of recovery or composting, at least where we were. On the other hand, everywhere it is clean. The people have to the heart of keeping their places clean and free of detritus. Also, lot of workers make of beautiful work. Bravo, that is successful.
Recycling here don't exist or little, nor systems of recovery or composting, at least where we were. On the other hand, everywhere it is clean. The people have to the heart of keeping their places clean and free of detritus. Also, lot of workers make of beautiful work. Bravo, that is successful.
- Eau potable
Totalement et
parfaitement. On a toujours bu depuis les robinets sans aucun souci. Super, ça
évite d'acheter de l'eau en bouteille (ce que je ne fais que si je suis obligée
car c'est contre mes principes, contre ma religion).
Drinking water from the tap was totally and perfectly. We always drunk from the taps without no concern. Great, that avoids of buying water in bottle (what I do only if I have to. It is against my principles).
Drinking water from the tap was totally and perfectly. We always drunk from the taps without no concern. Great, that avoids of buying water in bottle (what I do only if I have to. It is against my principles).
Viña del mar,
Valdivia, Puerto Montt - la plage, le marché aux poissons, les gens.
Our blows of heart was Viña del mar, Valdivia, Puerto Montt - for the beach, the market to fish, the people !
Our blows of heart was Viña del mar, Valdivia, Puerto Montt - for the beach, the market to fish, the people !
Alors voici !
On y reviendrait.
Pour visiter le nord du Chili, et si on n'était pas frileux, la Patagonie.
N'hésitez pas, le Chili est un très beau pays !
Marie France
N'hésitez pas, le Chili est un très beau pays !
So, this is it !
We might come back in Chile, specially seeing the north, and if we were not overcautious with the cold, we would love Patagonia.
Never hesitate, Chile is a beautiful country !
We might come back in Chile, specially seeing the north, and if we were not overcautious with the cold, we would love Patagonia.
Never hesitate, Chile is a beautiful country !
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MF et Luc